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Difference between Lexical and Dynamic Scoping

What is Scope ?

Scoping itself is how you search for a variable with a given name.
A variable has a scope which is the whole area in which that variable can be accessed by name.

How does scope work in JavaScript ?

In Javascript, we can call Scope as the set of rules that govern
how the Engine can look up a variable by its identifier name and find it.

What is call-stack in JavaScript ?

  • A mechanism for an interpreter to keep track of its place in a script that calls multiple functions.
  • Knows what function is currently being run and what functions are called from within that function.
  • Stack data structure is LIFO that means, last in first out.

What is author-time ?

  • This is the time that when developer writes the code.
  • This can be taken to mean, perception of program as you see it before compilation.

Dynamic scope

  • In dynamic scoping, you search in the local function first,
  • Then you search in the function that called the local function,
  • Then you search in the function that called that function,
  • And so on, up the call-stack.
  • Scope can be determined dynamically at run-time

Lexical scope (static scope)

  • Based on where variables and blocks of scope are authored, by you, at write-time
  • The scope of an identifier is fixed to some region in the source code containing the identifier’s declaration
  • Scope can be determined at author-time


  • Lexical scope is write-time, whereas dynamic scope is run-time
  • Lexical scope care where a function was declared, but dynamic scope cares where a function was called from.

Additional Knowledge

Dynamic scoping and Lexical scoping
You don’t know JS, Scope&Closures by Kyle Simpson