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JS30 01 - JavaScript Drum Kit

Process Flow


  • note that it use data-* attribute to assign correspondent keycode to each button on keyboard, and also to each correspondent audio link.
  • use HTML tag <kbr></kbr> to let browser know it’s a keyboard-triggered event.


  • Note .playing carries the CSS style after button being triggered.


  • Use IIFE to wrap all of the function inside it.
  • Use keydown event instead of keyup, because we want to trigger it continuously.
  • Since it’s a keyboard event, therefore, we bind the event on window.
  • Use querySelector and template literal to bind audio DOM.
  • Due to each audio file has different length, we need to set currentTime to 0 to reach continuous displaying.
  • Use classlist to add, remove CSS class.
  • If use querySelectorAll, be aware that it will return an array-like node list, not a real array. It can use Array.from() to transform it to real array.
  • Use transitionend event as a deciding moment for removing .playing CSS class.